Lauriane Nallet
City Coordinator
PhD Candidate in Neuroscience (Vascular Neurology and Re-habilitation).
I was frustrated to not have Pint of Science in my city in 2018… so I brought it myself!
I am so happy to be able to build a team of enthusiastic people and work together in this fantastic project! Enjoying every part of it!

Susan Leemburg
Doctor in Neuroscience by ETH Zurich. I am currently an independent researcher, looking for the next adventure. I started Highlighter.ch in 2018 to showcase women working in STEM in Switzerland and joined Science for Progress later in the same year. Because two scicomm projects weren’t enough, I joined the Pint of Science team to help bring the festival to Zurich as well.

Nicole Ackermans
Zürich social media & Event Manager
PhD student in evolutionary biology at UZH, obsessed with vertebrate morphology and promoting diversity and women in STEM. I will happily ID that random bone you found in the forest.

Jenny Rieger
Offline media
Science journalist with a PhD in evolutionary biology and meandering interests... past reporting included the periodic table of the elements, sex robots and speculative biology.

Gwendolin Schoenfeld
Offline media
I love to learn new things. Therefore I am doing my PhD in system neuroscience looking at what brains are doing during learning. And –of course- other people love to learn new things, too. Try it yourself: Tell you friends a cool science fact, and hear them say: “Wow, that is amazing!”

Marjan Verest
Event Manager
As a PhD student at the Institute of Microbiology, I am always on the lookout for novel (bio)chemistry. In the weekends you can find me at a pub-quiz or, if the weather is good, hiking in the beautiful Swiss mountains.

Pilar Vesga
Event Manager
4th year PhD Candidate in Plant Sciences (Biocontrol of insect pests).
I love to talk to people about how wonderful bacteria are and how they are not always the "bad guys". Doing research looking for a more sustainable world.

Susanne Fischer
Event Manager
I am an Oberassistentin at the Institute of Psychology, and my main research interests are in stress-related disorders (e.g., depression). At our lab, we want to find out which treatments work for whom and how. I was a postdoc at King's College London before joining the UZH, where I first participated in a Pint of Science event.

Enrique Rayo
Event Manager
I studied Biological Anthropology and now I work with ancient DNA and microbiomes from past populations.


Adithi Varadarajan
Event Manager
Bioinformatician specializing in computational proteogenomics. Enthusiastic about finding patterns in data. fitness freak, extrovert, love exploring new cities.
Lorraine Madur
Event Manager
I am doing a Neuroscience PhD at the University of Zurich. I am aiming to investigate the effects of chronic social stress on the basolateral amygdala and reward behavior. Scientific expertise: Neurosciences, psychotherapy and psychosomatics.
Sara Ferrilli
Event Manager
Italian, Italianist, Philologist.
I think that Middle Ages rocks but don't tell anyone.
Matilde Mantovani
Event Manager
3/4 italian, 1/4 french. I studied Biology and molecular biotechnlogy at University of Milan, now PhD student at the University of Zurich. Passionate about science, I'm trying to add my little brick in the wall of science.

Alfonso Gomez
Event Manager
Virologist by training, magician by passion.

Daniela Sequeira
Event Manager
Truth be told, microbes fascinate me! The more mischievous they are, the more I like them. I
decided that unravelling their secrets would be one of my missions in life and, obviously, I
chose the coolest of them all… Viruses!
Organizing the PoS Zurich has been a fantastic experience and I believe every scientist should
take the leap and jump in!
I’m a Biologist doing a PhD in Virology in Zurich and when I’m not pretending I know what I’m
doing in the lab, you’ll find me “cake-crawling” and hiking.

Sergei Schaub

Ale Parreño
I am an ecologist interested in understanding nature and communicating this knowledge. I am also into sustainability and building bridges among different people. Do you have an idea to make this world a better place? I can help you make it happen!