Body vigilance
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Steinenvorstadt 54, 4051 Basel


Eva Schnider, MSc
PhD Candidate
Department of Biomedicine
University of Basel
Twitter: @SchniderEva
How AI sees your body
18:45 - 19:15 (Talk in English)
Eva Schnider develops machine learning algorithms to improve a Virtual Reality software which allows surgeons to plan their surgeries. Imagine your doctor wearing Virtual Reality goggles to look at your skeleton prior to surgery. And then imagine that doctor steering an operation robot that will be able to cut bones in a minimally invasive way. With lasers! That's exactly what they are developing at the Department of Biomedical Engineering and what her talk is all about.

Dr. Med. Dent. Jeannette von Jackowski
Cranio-Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery
Why Swiss people can eat so much chocolate and have a lower risk of caries?
19:30 - 20:00 (Talk in English)
We, as surgeons, often see children with deformities on head and face from the very first day of their life. Here in Switzerland, we have one of the best health care systems worldwide. Everybody has statutory health insurance, but it excludes the intraoral hygiene. Oral health is very important for everybody and more and more research shows that it is also important for the whole body. I will show the importance of oral health directly after birth.

Professor Stephan Rueegg
Department of Neurology Hopsital University of Basel
Sizzling seizures and the wonderland of epilepsy
20:15 - 20:45 (Talk in English)
Professor Rueegg will present the disorder epilepsy as a journey through its many facets (history, appearance (seizures), therapy, and social impact (stigma) and give hope to all who suffer from epilepsy: it is one of the most successfully treatable neurological disorders!