Healthy brain, healthy mind
Made possible by:
Oliver Twist
Rindermarkt 6, 8001 Zürich
Babies, bedtimes and bacteria
Dr. Salome Kurth is a professor at the Baby sleep lab at UZH. She will be speaking about the impacts of sleep loss on health, the role of sleep in healthy development in young children, and how better sleep can lead to a better life.
She will talk about the sleep-brain-gut interactions in the developmental period of human life, its role in health and its risk and how eating relates to sleeping.
Dr. Salome Kurth
Professor, UZH
This talk will be in English.
Dr. Irma Kurniawan
PosDoc UZH
When life seems hard and meaningless: Understanding motivation using Neuroeconomics
Dr. Irma Kurniawan is a postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratory for Social and Neural Systems at UZH. She is interested in how effort and motivation affect learning, memory and judgement. She will speak about these topics through the lens of mental health.
She will talk how the blossoming field of neuroeconomics has tried to examine an age old topic of motivation, and the lack of it. She will talk about neuroeconomics experiments done to study motivation in healthy people and patients with motivation deficits. These results help them understand the brain mechanisms needed to motivate us to achieve goals in life.
This talk will be in English.
Dr. Fabian Kraxner
Doctor, St. Gallen Hospital
Wie stärke ich meine mentale Gesundheit?
Als Assistenzarzt in Psychiatrie und Geriatrie arbeite ich am Puls des Menschens. Meine Aufgabe ist es, gesundheitliche und psychische Probleme zu identifizieren und diese bestmöglich zu verkleinern, sodass der Leidensdruck sinkt und das autonome Funktionieren im Alltag gefördert wird.
Unser Alltag kann manchmal überfordernd sein. Mit diesen Tipps&Tricks fördern Sie Ihrer mentalen Gesundheit und stärken dabei sich selbst auf einfache Art und Weise.
This talk will be in German.