In & out of our bodies
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Bibliothek Bar
Kohlenberg 7, 4051 Basel

TUESDAY 21st MAY 2019

X-ray insight into human tissues
18:45 - 19:15 (Talk in English)
Hard X-rays have the advantage of penetrating through objects resulting in three-dimensional data sets with cellular resolution or even below. The talk will cover concepts of X-ray imaging including several examples from the biomedical field.
Dr. Georg Schulz
Department of Biomedical Engineering
University of Basel

Dr. Dena Sadeghi Bahmani
University of Basel
Size doesn't matter, as long as exercise matters; exercise and its impact on patients with multiple sclerosis
19:30 - 20:45 (Talk in English)
Dr. Dena Sadeghi Bahmani currently works as a postdoctoral researcher and clinical psychologist at the Center for Affective, Stress and Sleep Disorders (ZASS), Psychiatric Clinics (UPK), University of Basel, Basel Switzerland. She is affiliated at two other research centres in Iran (Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and Isfahan University of Medical Sciences) as a senior researcher. Dr. Sadeghi Bahmani's main focus in research is on multiple sclerosis (MS), social cognition, and neuroimaging. Currently, she has several projects on MS, psychological functioning and sleep disorders.
Persons with multiple sclerosis (MS) report less exercise and physical activity as compared to healthy people. However, regular exercising has a broad favourable impact on physical and mental health. Accordingly, her research interests are to investigate the influence of exercising in persons with MS and to promote exercise as a part of their everyday life.

Lia Flury, MA
Business Development
Reduce, Reuse, Remove – What can we do with all the CO2?
20:15 - 20:45 (Talk in English)
At Climeworks Ms Flury works as a Junior Business Development Manager and is responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of new business models in the sector "Carbon Dioxide Removal" and Beverages for companies.
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Wir kennen CO2 als einen der Haupttreiber des Klimawandels, als Abfallprodukt und vor allem weil wir viel zu viel davon in der Atmosphäre haben.
Gleichzeitig ist CO2 ein wertvoller Rohstoff: Es steckt als Kohlensäure in unseren Getränken, es wird als Dünger verwendet, um unsere Salatgurken und Tomaten schneller wachsen zu lassen und es steckt sogar in Feuerlöschern oder einer Chipspackung.
Climeworks hat eine Möglichkeit entwickelt, CO2 direkt aus der Luft zu filtern, wiederzuverwerten und so CO2-Emissionen einzusparen.
Da Einsparmassnahmen und Wiederverwertung zwar zwingend notwendig, aber hinsichtlich des Klimawandels noch lange nicht genug sind, hat Climeworks darüber hinaus eine Möglichkeit entwickelt, CO2 sicher und dauerhaft aus der Atmosphäre zu entfernen. Wir lassen es auf natürlich Weise versteinern.
Anhand von DRINK AND REMOVE erklären wir, wie es funktioniert. Und wie du dazu beitragen kannst – indem du trinkst.