Our Inner Life
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Sidewalk Café
Place du Tunnel 9, 1005 Lausanne

MONDAY 20th MAY 2019

Dr. Shawna McCallin
Postdoc at CHUV
A spoonful of virus
I work on different ways - both in the lab and with clinical trials - to help develop phage therapy as an alternative to antibiotics. A spoonful of virus helps.. the bacteria go away? Indeed it does! Viruses of bacteria, also called phages, are an alternative way of treating bacterial infections that have been used since before the discovery of antibiotics in some countries. The lessons we have learned from their experience combined with modern biotechnology and medicine is helping to shape the future of how we can stay healthy and fight infections.
This talk will be given in English.

Playing with the KROBS game to learn about microbes
Games are an efficient way to share knowledge and interest on microbes. The game on microbes is a good example that is used both for lay communication and for teaching.
This talk will be given in French.
Prof. Gilber Greub
Professor at CHUV