Art & Science in the Future
Made Possible by:


Kirell Benzi

La Bossette
Place du Nord 4, 1005 Lausanne

WEDNESDAY 22nd of MAY 2019
Data + art
Kirell Benzi is a creative data scientist. He holds a Ph.D. in Data Science from EFPL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) where he teaches data visualization to over 180 master’s students.
In their whole, Kirell’s creations, can be articulated and deciphered following an array of tones, shapes, dots, and lines that are staged according to the nature of the data, by using mathematical tools and methods which come straight from scientific research.
Through a hypnotic visual semantic, Kirell works to show that algorithms have a soul… In other words, that we can generate emotion and curiosity through calculations. Even though this logic can seem cold in the collective imagination, it might be able to seduce even the most averse to algebra.
This talk will be in French

Environmental Impact Design
Emily Groves
Research Assistant, EPFL