Rocky road to recovery
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Steinenvorstadt 54, 4051 Basel

MONDAY 20th MAY 2019

Dr. Jens Gaitzsch
University of Basel
Drug Delivery with Plastic
18:45 - 19:15 (Talk in English)
Dr Jens Gaitzsch works in the University of Basel investigating new biodegradable and functional plastics.
Drug delivery with nanocapsules made from advanced plastic is a huge topic in modern research. My research wants to combine a triggered release of the drug while having a biodegradable plastic shell. This new kind of plastic is not that easy to make but offers great potential.

Dr. Srinivas Madduri
Department of Biomedical Engineering
University of Basel
Can we dance with broken nerves?
19:30 - 20:00 (Talk in English)
Injuries to the nervous system result in the loss of sensory (feel) and motor (body movements) functions. Dr Madduri will show the past and present approaches for treating nerve injuries and discuss the chances for restoring the ability to move again!

Aliya Karim, MSc
PhD Candidate
Epidemiology & Health Systems
Swiss TPH
Unintended Consequences in Health Systems: An Example in Child Health
20:15 - 20:45 (Talk in English)
Health systems are complex things and are based on many moving parts, priorities, people, and activities. I look at patterns in these interactions, and the unintended consequences they may result in to see how we can do things better in solving global health problems. I analyzed a child health program targeting pneumonia, malaria and diarrhoea (top global killers of children) in 5 African countries. We looked at all aspects of the program's "system", what worked and what didn't, and how this had serious implications for making programs last, and the ethics of doing things the way we've been doing them in global health.